Literature Review

Library Research for Literature Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences

March 14, 2025, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Presenter: Xiyuan Wu; Anne Olsen
Location: Online

This workshop is for students conducting literature reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Topics covered in the workshop include:

  • Overview: What is a literature review?
  • Finding research materials: search strategies, databases, citation tracking
  • Information management: organizing your research and assessing your search process
  • Other services for students: where to go for more help

Can't make it to this workshop? Check here for additional dates or contact the subject librarian for your research area.

Please Note: literature reviews are different from systematic and scoping reviews. Review this guide for more information and support on systematic and scoping reviews.

Location details:


If you have questions, concerns, or accessibility needs, please email

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This event is online. Registrants receive the link 3 hours before the event. Registration closes at that time.

  • Literature Review
  • Research Commons

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